Hick Planet magazine
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an unperiodical:
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Saturday, 2020 June 6th
issue 3

footnotes on

Having to Be Culturally Mainstream to Work in America
Taking the Mainstream Whiteness Test

through the lenses of blue bloods or regular Joes with  the editors

1.   Neckerman, Kathryn M.; Kirschenman, Joleen
Hiring Strategies, Racial Bias, and Inner-City Workers
Social Problems
Volume 38, Number 4, 1991 November, Pages 433-447
Oxford University Press

2.   Spalter-Roth, Roberta
Race and Ethnicity in the Labor Market
Employer Practices and Worker Strategies
Handbooks of the Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations
Hernán Vera, Joe R. Feagin (editors)
2007, Pages 263-283
Springer, Boston, MA

3.   Tessler, Richard; Sushelsky, Lisa
Effects of eye contact and social status on the perception of a job applicant in an employment interviewing situation
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Volume 13, Issue 3, 1978 December, Pages 338-347
Elsevier Inc.

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