Hick Planet magazine
tryna find the grownups table on a hick planet
an unperiodical:
on arts, endeavors, musings, sites, sights, & other senses
Thursday, 2020 April 30th
issue 2

The Day of the Fools
a great American celebration

Every year, we begin this month with our tradition of practical jokes and playing pranks and fooling someone.   But clearly this year, the cosmos has come up with this deadly prank that it’s playing on us all.

And how well do we play the fools?   Being readier to congregate than to stay healthy and survive and help other weaker ones survive?   Having our businesses be readier to let their customers (whom they live off of) congregate than to keep them healthy and able to continue patronizing those businesses, so’s to allow those businesses to survive?   Not coming to an understanding of what creates and sustains an economy or what it takes to keep it going or get it going and strengthen it?

And let’s consider some other foolhardy habits that we might be cultivating—

the decisions made about what is or isn’t essential:
Ammo & Asswipe: Necessities for the Apocalypse

unduly accumulating influence, along with hypocrisy, insincerity, dissonance, discord, and disingenuousness:
The Socially Awkward and the Awkwardly Social: a Pandemic Panic

allowing the efficacy of science itself to become a controversy:
The 400th Anniversary of Francis Bacon Publishing Novum Organum : & the value of science (of knowledge) becoming controversial

failing to take—as a people, as members within our institutions, and especially as individuals—responsiblility and accountability for the future of our civilization:
Profiting or Profiteering: Rerenaissance, Rereformation, and an Open Note to Greta

self-disrespect for our basic hygiene:
A Nation that Has Just Never Believed in Washing Hands

being unwilling or unable to face up to the ramifications of the military actions this nation has engaged in:
Liberation of Saigon Day, Fall of Saigon Day: lessons & mislessons of America’s begotten & misbegotten war, on the 45th anniversary

losing track of the principles and goals that we’ve striven to stand up for:
He Dealt with Crisis—Whither the Trajectory He Left Us on: a diamond jubilee remembrance of FDR’s passing

thinking you can’t or shouldn’t change things to be good and right in this universe:
the Jackal, the Hyena, and the Maggot

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