Hick Planet
tryna find the grownups table on a hick planet
an unperiodical:
on arts, endeavors, musings, sites, sights, & other senses
Thursday, 2019 November 28th
issue 1
Bribery Up Front or on the Back End
a supplement to
Peter Coyote
Serving the nation is a public service and should not be a head start for feathering one’s nest or auditioning for a fat gig in the private sector after leaving public life.
If public officials need more money to consider public service, let’s pay it.
When Benazir Bhutto was self-righteously attacked in an interview for corruption in her home country of Pakistan, her cool riposte was a slice to the bone.
In so many words she said, “In Pakistan we take money at the beginning of a deal.
In America, you take it at the end”—referring to just this form of delayed pay-off.
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